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Rob Fordyce is a visual artist and writer who wears corrective lens and has a deep mistrust of words.
He has studied at the University of Manitoba and was a recipient of Video Pool’s New Artist in New Media fund in 2009/2010.
Fordyce lives and works in Winnipeg. His work has been exhibited locally and nationally.
Contact info:
Artist Statement
Through the use of video, installation and performance my work is an attempt to understand and to express empathy with the inability to understand. I use fractured narratives, humour and seemingly incongruous images to push into uncomfortable areas. My current project explores aging, obsolescence and the use of surveys to pursue happiness.
Gambat: - A six minute excerpt of two out of four videos that are integrated
in a thirty minute performance piece of the same name.
Beads: - A two minute excerpt of a 15 minute performance/video - 2008
Nosehair: - A one minute excerpt of a 13 minute performance - 2007
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
Nosehair: - Human detritus manipulated on acetate.
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