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Doug Smith

Page history last edited by doug smith 14 years ago



Doug Smith was educated at the University of Manitoba in the Fine Arts Diploma Program, focusing on ceramics in his final year. For several years after, he continued as a ceramic sculptor participating in group and solo exhibitions in Manitoba and the USA. He also produced several commissioned works for private and corporate collectors, including having had many of his works purchased by the Manitoba and Canada Art Banks. In 1996, Smith left Canada and resided in Cleveland and then Rotterdam for almost four years. In this time, he re-aligned his artistic practice toward drawing and painting and became a member of a contemporary art gallery in Rotterdam (Blik). Upon returning to Winnipeg in 2001, he pursued drawing exclusively, recently attaining Winnipeg, Manitoba and Canada Art Council grants to work on large-scale drawing projects. Currently in his Winnipeg based studio, he is exploring the construction of painted paper assemblages on wood panels and is a Board Member for Ace Art Inc.






Valhalla: graphite on paper: 2007, h-84 in. w-100 in.




Thirst: graphite, oil and acrylic paint on paper: 2007, 33 in. x 25 in.





Transatlantic Tracks: graphite on paper: 2006, h-128 cm x w- 254 cm

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