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Connie Chappel

Page history last edited by Connie Chappel 3 years, 5 months ago



Connie Chappel is a Winnipeg-based visual artist working in multi-media exploring the correlation between the natural world, human life and the cycle of living entities.  A graduate of the University of Manitoba School of Art (BFA-1st class honours), her life experiences inform her art practice. She has a particular passion for the symbiotic relationship human beings share with nature that considers past, current and future existence.  Her work has exhibited at Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts (Toronto), World of Threads Festival (Oakville, ON), Orillia Museum of Art and History (Orillia, ON), Library Gallery (Winnipeg) and Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre (Winnipeg). In 2016 she was commissioned to exhibit The Mulvey, a photo installation, for Transitions: The New Biennial for Art and Architecture, Botkyrka konsthall, Tumba, Sweden.


Connie Chappel's Website


Mannequins of Puerto Vallarta, July 27, 2010, aceartinc. 2-290 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB 



Mannequins of Puerto Vallarta, July 27, 2010, aceartinc.


Moon, July-Sept 2010, St. Norbert Art Centre




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