Haverluck believes that art is machinery for making water. Water of tears. Tears of weeping, tears of laughter. That is to say art's task, in part, is to engage the tragic and comic boundaries of human existence. To help negotiate the boundary waters and all the flow between them.
Not that humans' existence is the only concern. Indeed, the existence of the earth and waters and air and all the creatures have become evermore insistent presences. For Bob, this recognition is crucial to several series of drawings: on the wild berry patch as a second Eden; the renegotiation of the treaty between the earth and old man, old woman; and a series on biblical narratives where earth and creatures have place of respect and humour.
Bob's often political and philosophical drawings with texts have appeared in Harpers (New York), New Statesman (London), In These Times (Chicago), Border Crossings (Winnipeg), Arts: Arts in Religion and Theological Education. He has had solo exhibitions in Chicago's Courtyard Gallery; Winnipeg's Main Access, Gallery ICO3 and the Mennonite Heritage Gallery; as well as at the Lake of the Woods Museum (Kenora) and the Community Arts Centre in Riding Mountain National Park. He has partnered in exhibitions with Patrick Mahon, and with Jordan Van Sewell and Anne Szumigalski.
Bob was Artist in Residence at the University of Winnipeg from Dec. 2001-Dec. 2003. And in October 2008 Bob was cartoonist in residence at WACC (World Congress on Communications and Peacemaking), where he made four art and peace theme reflections (At the first presentation, he had the unenviable task of following the startlingly charismatic Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It did not go very well.)
Recently, Bob has been working as the artist/project animateur at a campus for seniors, Good Neighbors. Last year's "City of Trees, World of Trees" arts based ecology project, is followed by a 2010-2011 project "The Arts of Water" project for which he is again the artist/animateur. Bob is also a member of the Riverbank Loan and Savings Company. A group of artists including Debbie Schnitzer, Sam Baardman and Rhian Brynjolson working together on the lakes and rivers of Manitoba.
Bob works mainly in ink, graphite, and pastels. His original works vary in sizes of 10" by 12" - 24" by 36".
He may be contacted at haverluck.bob@gmail.com
*Please see examples of work below
I. Berry Patch

II. Biblical Narratives

III. Old Man and Old Woman Re-sign the Treaty

Contact Information:
Email: haverluck.bob@gmail.com
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