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Modify Email Notifications

Page history last edited by aceartinc 14 years, 1 month ago
If you would like to reduce the number of email notifications from the wiki website, 
please see instructions below:

 Full instructions on how to reduce emails please click:
Online Step-by-Step Instructions 

Email Notifications

Email notifications can keep you updated when pages of your workspaces
change, get added, get commented on, or when new files get uploaded.
Email notifications are only sent out when other users make changes to
your workspaces.  You will never receive an email notification for a
change on a workspace that you make yourself.

Accessing your Email Notification Preferences

To access your email notification preferences, visit this page when logged
in to my.pbworks.com with your email address and password.


You'll be presented with a list of the workspaces you're a part of.  Next
to each workspace listed, you'll see a checkbox which allows you to enable
or disable notifications for any workspace you are a part of.  By
unchecking the checkbox next to the workspace, you will disable
notifications for that particular workspace.

Changing email notification frequency

To change the frequency of notifications being sent to you,  you must
first log in to my.pbworks.com.  Then, at the bottom of the page, you'll
see the following drop-down list which allows you to set the frequency of
your notifications.   Click the "Submit" button under the dropdown box to
set your preference.

Hope this helps! 

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