
Caitlin McLean

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Saved by Caitlin McLean
on July 15, 2010 at 7:13:26 pm

Caitlin McLean is a young artist currently practicing in Winnipeg. She grew up in rural Manitoba, and the inspiration that comes from those surroundings is infinite. Caitlin is interested in how shapes and colours interact aesthetically, and tries to look for these interactions in unassuming places. Her work incorporates elements of sculpture, and most recently photography.


Caitlin is currently focused on printmaking and has taken multiple classes with Martha Street Studio in the past few years. She has completed their Youth Outreach Program, and is currently working towards completing their Inkubator program. She is also working to achieve her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Manitoba. 






















The Fifth of July








All Types







Arm & Channel



Copper Etching




Fly Attempt One



Copper Etching






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