
Tanya Tran

This version was saved 14 years, 7 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Tanya Tran
on July 8, 2010 at 11:38:09 am


------------------------------- the intern at aceart inc.


Hey there! My name is Tanya Tran. I am excited to be the new intern at aceart inc. this summer through the Winnipeg Foundation's Student Internship Program. I am looking forward to working on the wiki page, which I encourage all artists to participate. As well, I look forward to learning the bits and bolts of the Non Profit Sector, getting to know my mentors, and getting a good taste of the Winnipeg Art Scene.


Here are some pictures of my newly "claimed" office space:


*Bed for my bag


*My temporary desk. Please see environmentally friendly water bottle in top left had corner.


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Contact Information
Tanya Tran
Wiki inquiries, Appointment changes











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