
How to use this site

Page history last edited by aceartinc 15 years, 8 months ago

This site is a wiki. Unlike websites, wikis are pages of content that have been created collaboratively by multiple users.


  • Getting started


To edit or add pages, request access to the wiki on the Front Page or email communications(at)aceart.org. Once you are logged in the site you will be able to add and edit pages. This wiki is a simple WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) format, so adding information is easy. This wiki also offers extra plugins for basic html, tables, photos or even video if you want to add visuals, and more likely than not, you will!


  • What should I be posting?


Because this is an artist wiki for aceartinc. we would love to hear about you and what you are working on. Feel free to update it as often as you like, and make sure to let everyone know what you're up to. Don't stop there however, if there is something going on in the community that you are looking to discuss with other artists, this can also be a forum for that.  Link to interesting articles, or other artists in your own page too. 


  • Linking out


Linking out from the site will help generate views to the wiki. Search engines can only find something if you put it out there to be found. The wiki may start off slow, but once people know where to look, then they will go there.



For more help check out the  PBwiki User Manual

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