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Page history last edited by emblebee@... 12 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the aceartinc. wiki project!



Pinhole image courtesy of Brenda Stuart, Winnipeg 2010






About aceartinc.


How to use this site



How to make a wiki


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About this wiki


The ace art wiki is a project designed to encourage communication between artists involved with the gallery, stimulate dialogue about art and art related issues, and spread the word about the fantastic artists living and working in Winnipeg. This free wiki was chosen to allow some easy experimenting. As it grows we can explore other wiki options with more administraive control and a centralized server, but for now you can find us here.


Why did we choose a wiki?


Because wikis are participatory web forums that allow multiple users to write, edit, and collaborate on content, we thought it would be a fun experiment to invite the ace community to post information about themselves, their art, and other issues concerning the community. Please be patient as our little wiki grows and thanks for visiting!


Interested in starting your own wiki?


The wiki is our gift to aceart members. If you are interested in activating an account please feel free to contact the aceart gallery or Request Access onto the wiki.

The wiki project will be an ongoing project and welcomes new members at any time. We  hope this network continues growing for years to come. Please visit the wiki page for the latest updates.



Links to Artists


Adam Brooks

Adrian Williams

Ashleigh Drewett-Laird


Bob Haverluck

Caitlin McLean

Chantal Dupas


Colette Balcaen

Connie Chappel

Coral Maloney

Dan Donaldson

Darlene Drewniak

Dawna Smith

Dominique Rey




Doug Smith

Echo Ying Xie

Elise d'Awson

Emilie St.Hilaire

Emily Rosamond

Frieso Boning

Heidi Phillips

Hannah Godfrey

Jacquelyn Hébert

Jaime Black

Kara Passey

Karen Hibbard

Karen Owens

Karen Wardle

Liz Garlicki

Lynn Devisscher  




Maurice and Jeanette

Monica Curry

Nora Kobrinsky

QUIDAM - Doug Kretchmer

Richard Rosario

Robert Taite

Robert Fordyce

Roewan Crowe

Shawna Dempsey

Steve Basham

suzanne morrissette

Takashi Iwasaki

Tamara Anne Weller

Warren Carther




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